As educators, we know how hard teachers work. We know teachers are extremely skilled, and experts in more than one thing.

Yet, teacher pay still doesn't align.

As a former teacher, making $55k/year, I used digital products to match (and often exceed) my teacher salary. Wanting to start planning for my future, and not getting paid in the summer, I was constantly stressed about money.

Creating these products allowed me to live stress-free (about financials) over the unpaid summer months, pay off my car two years early, and actually build a savings while on a teacher salary.

Now, I make a decent living wage at my 9-5, but have kept my digital products around. Why?

Because I sell them passively. I have the income of a second job, without the 40 hours per week. It's a set up that I think daily is too good to be true.

Whether you want to find a way to work remotely to leave teaching, or to have a second income so that staying in teaching is sustainable...

I'm excited to teach you how to do the same. Because we're in our Rich Teacher Era, and we're not looking back.

AS EASY AS 1, 2, 3:


You'll learn how to choose your course topic, or digital download, based on your unique skills, experience, and expertise. You'll learn how to test it's profitability, and start laying the groundwork for marketing your product.


In this phase, you'll learn exactly how to streamline your course or other digital product creation, so that you can do it in the timeline that best suits your goals and financial needs. I'll be with you every step of the way, with actionable steps, tutorials, and more.


Next, it's time to launch and sell your digital product. Not only will you learn which launch style is the best suited for you, but you'll also learn exactly how I make sales (that match and often exceed my teacher salary) on autopilot - no ads, no cold DMs, and in 2-5 hours per week.

Use code EARLYBIRD1:1 for 20% off & a 60 minute Mastermind with Mahala